Kickstarters are a lot of work, but most of it's behind us at this point. After talking to dozens of manufacturers, testing out countless material samples and concepts, designing and tweaking and refining, and getting feedback from lots of our favorite facilitator friends, we're ready to make Facilitator Cards a thing.

We just need a few hundred other people to want them as much as we do.

All throughout March, I’ll be working on the Kickstarter campaign with Meg (Yep! The same Meg with whom I co-created The Safe Zone Project and co-authored Unlocking the Magic of Facilitation), doing what we can to get word into a noisy world.

I’m hopeful that we can raise enough money to manufacture the cards this spring.

If you’re a facilitator, educator, trainer, or really any person who engages groups in process, go check out the Kickstarter. Watch the video or scroll down through all the doodles I created to give you an idea of what Facilitator Cards are all about. And back the project if it seems like something that will help you do your thing. (You can also download the free DIY preview pack if you just want to check them out)

And if you’re not a facilitator person, maybe you know someone who is? Send them our way. Meg and I will be grateful for any help we can get in making these into a thing.

The rest of my life will resume after March. And – with some magic and luck – I’ll be spending a bit of my April and May finishing up the design on these cards.

Right now, I’ve got a video to finish up and about one thousand emails to write.

Thinking “successfully funded” thoughts,
